
Case Studies - Client Testimonials

You know, it was great. The guys worked hard. They cleaned up every night. And when we’ve got kids coming and going and people coming and going, that was a great comfort to me. But they sure moved around like they knew what they were

Pastor Kathy

United Church of Phillip

It was very easy for me. Everything went well. I know you guys are honest, and I thought you did a great job on time. I appreciate you doing. excellent work.

Don Burns

Philip Ford Motor

I thought it went real smooth. In considering fighting with the insurance company like we all like to do. You made it a lot easier from our end, as far as being able to go in, get the job done and have it done. Right. And even with some of the little things that we wanted done, putting the snow guards and different stuff like that play smoother than like any normal tin project would be.


Kent Buccholz

Kennedy Implement